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Further Background

            This conflict all began when a series of political uprisings in 2010, known as the Arab spring, left the Middle East in political upheaval. Many movements were started to get rid of corrupt governments in the hopes for something more fair and democratic, however, most new democracies established during that period of change have given way to corrupt systems that hid under the name of democracy. Many violent conflicts have sprung up, causing many families to flee their homes to find a stable and peaceful place to live. 

           As mentioned before, the Syrian civil war has

become fight for freedom from the regime of Bashar

al-Assad, the current President of Syria. The war has

even attracted the activities of terrorist organizations,

namely ISIS, who have taken advantage of the violence

to capture territory of their own. However, the true tole

of the war is being carried by the civilians who are

trapped in their own cities, being bombed and blockaded

, and are struggling to survive.

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